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I like the simple things in life am funny always got jokes and am kind of a computer geek. i love cooking. and addicted to lots of series.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Below is a guide i created to help pepole that have very annoying viruses that most of the major antiv virus softwares can't delete..

Firstly open up task manager (ctrl+alt+delete)

than go to processes and end explorer.exe and wscript

Now go to file new task than typ in CMD

that type in cd C:\ 

now type in dir/ah 

something very simmilar to this should show up:

 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 3CC0-2C08

 Directory of C:\

07/10/2008 10:25 PM 117,007 00hoeav.com
07/11/2008 11:27 AM 117,053 0gjn3yw.exe
07/07/2008 10:19 PM 211 autorun.inf
07/12/2008 06:26 PM 116,972 ffojc.com
07/07/2008 10:24 PM 0 IO.SYS
07/09/2008 04:41 AM 1,132 IPH.PH
07/10/2008 05:02 PM 116,414 mp.cmd
07/07/2008 10:24 PM 0 MSDOS.SYS
07/10/2008 04:28 PM

08/04/2004 05:00 AM 47,564 NTDETECT.COM
08/04/2004 05:00 AM 250,032 ntldr
07/13/2008 07:17 PM 792,723,456 pagefile.sys
07/13/2008 07:11 PM RECYCLER
07/07/2008 10:47 PM System Volume Information
  11 File(s) 793,489,841 bytes
  3 Dir(s) 60,716,802,048 bytes free

you should look in the above to see if a file called autorun.inf is there. just like the one i highlighted in red..

if you see it that type del/a:h/f C:\autorun.inf

this should delete it.

Now restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

to shut down go to CMD than type shutdown -r -t 2  

2 is the time for it to restart in seconds so you can put any time you want

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